PingPongParkinson Deutschland e.V.
Geschäftsstelle und Trainigshalle
Barbarastraße 15
48529 Nordhorn
Geschäftsstelle und Trainigshalle
Barbarastraße 15
48529 Nordhorn
The classifications for the individual competitions at the Quooker PingPongParkinson German Open 2024 in Nordhorn have now been published in the tournament calendar of click-TT Niedersachsen:
By clicking on the respective field under “Participants”, you can now see which players have been assigned to the individual classes. This was primarily based on the Q-TTR values from February 2024 from the andro ranking list.
Men 1 from 2800 to 1101 |
Men 2 from 1100 to 1001 |
Men 3 from 1000 to 400 |
Women 1 from 2800 to 1051 |
Women 2 from 1050 to 951 |
Women 3 from 950 to 400 |
Players who do not yet have a Q-TTR value because they have not yet taken part in a tournament or could not be initialized there were normally placed in the lowest class. Exceptions were made if the players expressly wished to play in a higher class. This also applies to some players with a Q-TTR value who also wanted to be placed in a higher class. Such requests were normally granted.
Requests for classification in a lower class are only possible if the Q-TTR value is not yet “meaningful”. This is the case if fewer than 10 singles could be used for its calculation. Such values are marked with an asterisk after the value (*).
Some players are surprised that they have ended up in a higher class than they expected.It should be borne in mind that each men’s class can have a maximum of 60 players, as otherwise the field could not be filled without putting too much strain on individual players.This is why the Men’s 1 class includes the best 60 players, even if some of them were in Class 2 or even Class 3 at other tournaments.The next 60 best players are then in Men’s 2, even if they may have previously played in Class 3. Class 3 then comprises the 60 players with the lowest playing strength.
It should also be noted that new players without tournament experience are added at every tournament. That means over 60 players at this year’s German Open. Of course, these players have to be placed in the lowest classes. Therefore, no one should assume that they can always play in the same class at every PPP tournament. With increasing experience, the players also become stronger, so that they then have to move up.
Anyone who would like to play in a higher class than the one assigned has until April 15 to inform Thorsten Boomhuis of this wish. However, if you would like to play in a lower class, you only have a chance to complain by the same date if you do not yet have a Q-TTR value or have one with an asterisk behind it. Players with a value without an asterisk cannot move to a lower class.
After the tournament, the TTR values are recalculated based on the results. Depending on their performance at the German Open, it is quite possible that a different class will be the right one for the individual at the PPP World Championships in Lasko/Slovenia in October.